Friday, 19 September 2014

Geeky updates since the last blog entry…

X-Wing :
  • Pickups include one of each wave four ship and Rebel Troop transport (which was a very nice birthday present)

Space Hulk:
  • I have done a little more painting on my 15mm version
  • Purchased the computer game for my Mac
  • Purchased a GW proxy for a Broodlord (I think it’s a ‘Lictor’)
  • I missed out on the pre-orders for Space Hulk 2014 L
  • My nice girlfriend got me a mint complete copy of Space Hulk 2009 J

That means I have 1.75 copies of Space Hulk 2009, so I should be able to play some pretty big games!

  • I’ve done some more work on my 15mm fantasy figures, mostly Copplestone Barbarians, which really are some of my all-time favorite figures
  • This has led me to read some Conan…. Reviews to follow!

Thursday, 31 July 2014

More 15mm Space Hulk

I managed to paint a few more marines.

These are some more Khurasan Miniatures. Really nice figures...

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

15mm Space Hulk

Well, it's starting to look like it's coming together; Operation 15mm Space Hulk.

As you can see, there is a bit of work to do on the bases still. But these Khurasan Miniatures are fantastic. Enough detail to make painting them fun, but at 15mm can still be completed quickly.

I feel a bit happier about painting red armour now, so I am looking forward to painting some official Games Workshop Terminators. More images soon.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Wings of Glory:

Fantasy Flights: X-Wing Miniatures Game really appeals to me. It’s a fast and fun game, with stuff to collect, a massive universe to play games in and a large community of gamers. You can play with adults, kids and big kids alike. Skill counts for a lot, but there is still a place for relying on the Force.

I started to think about the whole movement mechanic to the game, which I had assumed was a new concept. Turns out I assumed wrong... Wings of War is a game that has a very similar approach and was first released in 2004 and has been published by a few different companies. 

There have been versions of the game that are totally driven by cards whereas some versions have small detailed models like X-Wing.

It’s almost the same concept as X-Wing with a World War 1 or 2 setting (which I have opted to try WW1). Basically, if you’ve played X-Wing you’d pick the rules up very quickly. Rather than have a dial and a movement template there is a set of manoeuvre cards specifically designed for each classification of aircraft. You designate a sequence of orders to your force and watch the game unfold. Predicting your opponent and their movement can be tough. The combat is driven by cards, rather than dice. You inflict a certain number of hits depending on range and firing arch. You take a damage card for each hit, which can be minor or critical damage. As these cards are only seen by the pilot player that received the damage, there is an interesting element where you never really know how badly your opponent is hurt. 

So far I have picked up these two duelling packs:
Pack 1 - Fokker Dr.I Vs. Sopwith Camel Duel Pack;
Piloted by the aces Manfred Albrecht Freiherr
von Richthofen and Roy Brown

Pack 2 - Albatros D.Va Vs. Spad XIII Duel Pack;
Piloted by the aces Paul Bäumer and Frank Luke

Each pack has two model airplanes and all the cards and counters you need to start playing a one on one dog fight. The box also includes some scenery cards that add to the missions and scenarios you can play. Example, there are cards that represent tranches and anti-aircraft artillery. The rules are basic enough to be fast and furious, but with enough scope to build on the basic rules to make this a very engaging game.

From what I can tell, it’s a little more tricky to expand your collection than X-Wing. If you buy an additional plane you’ll need to be sure you have enough movements cards and the right damage decks. And I’d also suggest that as there is such a reliance on cards to play the game, it could become unmanageable if there are a lot of models in play on the same table. Between 2 and 4 each side seems right to me. 

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The Book of The Game – by Mike Hood.

I don’t read anything like enough, but I really enjoyed this book. It’s about four different races; Man, Elf, Dwarf and Orc. Through the narrative you get a real feel for the difference in these races and their unique perspectives on power and influence. There is a strong story thread that focuses on what I’d call the evolution of the Orc as this race becomes a bigger threat to the others.   

It has some heavy topics in there where it plays with some concepts around religion that are more than offset by lighter moments of wit.

Although this is a self-contained story you get a real sense of the fact that the author has created a well considered universe where there are many more tales to be told. 

I will be keeping an eye out for more.   

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Space Hulk update

Over the last week or so, I did some more work on my SPACE HULK project. There are two threads to this; 15mm and 32mm.

15mm Update:
I have been planning a 15mm version of the game for ages. I am using Khurasan Space Demons for the Alien force. So far I have two bags. The quality of one bag was fantastic, the other had few duff mis-casts. So I’ve ended up with 23 of them (only 1 I couldn't save). The below picture is a little blurred and the bases still need some work, but here you go…

Forgetting that one bag of Space Demons wasn’t perfect, I am very happy with the figures from Khurasan Miniatures. Next painting project: 10 x Puritan figures. These will be my terminator figures for the 15mm SPACE HULK. Highly recommended figures.

As for tiles for the 15mm game, I am working on some basic templates:

32mm Update:
My only real problem with SPACE HULK is that the Marines are all in Terminator armour. That means the scale of the Terminator becomes meaningless. I think I’ll need some house rules that sees the Terminators mixed with Imperial Guard.  

Most the figures I’ve collected for the 32mm project are waiting to be assembled. I am very torn regards what Chapter to paint them. I hate painting red, but in my heart of hearts I know these figures should really be Blood Angles. I may review the Chapter Approved pages of my WH40k first edition.

I watched the Ultramarines movie during the week. The film it’s self left me wanting more as it really felt like a video game where my joypad had lost connection. BUT: it did make me think perhaps I should paint my termies blue. We’ll see….   

Monday, 9 June 2014

The weekends gaming exploits

Just a few very general updates:
I managed to get a game of X-wing in over the weekend, 150 pointer so it was nice to see a good number of ships on the table. It was the first time I have seen the Rebel Transport fielded. I was a bit disappointed how easily it managed to destroy my Firespray, that accidentally managed to get in it's path (won't be doing that again in a hurry).

I saw this on eBay and was very tempted to put a bid in:

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Space Hulk

Space Hulk: what have I got so far?

  • Complete box set of the second edition (including the rules)
  • The Space Hulk Bible (I think is the first edition rules)
  • 3rd edition rules
  • 3rd edition counters
  • 3rd edition tiles
  • 3rd edition Genestealers (I think all of them except for the Brood Lord)
  • A stack of plastic Terminators (a combination of Black Reach Termies and the current Space Marine Terminator Squad)
  • One box of the current WH40k Genestealer Brood

So there are only a handful of miniatures on my to buy list to complete my Space Hulk collection. 

I painted this squad up two years ago (my take on Deathwing). Since then they’ve brought out some fantastic miniatures. The biggest problem I see with them is that the bases are a little large for the normal Space Hulk tiles.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Star Wars stuff

I haven't managed to have a game these weekend. But I am planning to read all the X-Wing scenario competition entries on The Metal Bikini . Hopefully I'll find some good missions to play soon :-) Maybe even inspire me to write a mission or two.

Video-games:I was gutted to read that Star Wars: Attack Squadrons has been binned.

I went away over the Bank Holiday weekend. On my travels I managed to pick up a pack of Imperial Aces. It looks a really nice addition:

Mordor Orcs

I think you can never have too many Orcs, so I also did a few Red Eye Orcs. Hopefully I can expand these figures so I can field a reasonable bunch of them:

Uruk Hai:

These are more figures from my Lord of the Rings collection, Orcs of the White Hand! The plastic figures look ok when painted up:

As I got a bit more used to painting them, I added some metal figures. IMHO, these are much nicer figures:

Men of Minas Tirith:

I guess the pictures speak for themselves.. A batch of GW LOTRs figures. I'll post a few images:

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

X-Wing night!

Geek update:

I managed to get a game of X-Wing in at the weekend. It was a straight dog fight. I played a four X-Wing squad split into two groups of two along each flank. I lost, as I took too long to bring one of the groups into the fight. But it was pretty close. Plus I managed to kill Vader with some lucky dice roles, which almost made up for not winning…

Thursday, 15 May 2014

My fleet

I love playing X-Wing. It feels like a an easy game to play (tough to master) and keeps a huge element of fun.

So far I have been using other peoples ships. But I have started a collection  of my own. Listed here in case I ever get round to hosting a game.

1 x Core set - which includes
1 x X-wing
2 x TIE Fighters

1 x X-wing expansion pack
1 x TIE Fighter expansion pack
2 x Y-Wing expansion pack
1 x TIE Advance expansion pack

1 x YT1300 expansion pack
1 x Firespray expansion pack
1 x A-Wing expansion pack
2 x TIE Interceptor expansion pack

1 x HWK-290 expansion pack
1 x Lambda-class Shuttle expansion pack
1 x B-Wing expansion pack
2 x TIE Bomber expansion pack

So still to track down at some point:
Rebel/Imperial Aces
Rebel Transport

I managed to get pretty much all of those before an epic night of unboxing :-)


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

What is it all about?

This is yet another blog from a frustrated gamer.

The main reasons I am doing this is in an attempt to keep in touch with the fragmented group of people I game with. Topics will be varied, but these are my main areas of interest. Expect more posts about:

Space Hulk:
I missed the first edition as in the 1980’s 19.99 was too expensive for me. I missed the second edition as I was out drinking for the last half of the 1990’s. I missed the third edition as I was too slow for limited release.

For a while now I have been collecting bits of junk off the internet. I have almost built up enough pieces to play a game. Just need to do a bit of assembling, gluing, painting and so on.

Star Wars:
I played the West End Games roleplaying game from 1987 to about 1995. Although I have found it hard to get into the spirit of roleplaying games, I have a lot of fond memories of the Star Wars geek nights we had.

Other obsessive Star Wars gaming have included;

  • PC gaming for X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
  • Table top skirmish with WOC miniature’s, although I have never found a rule set I like 
  • I had a half-baked aspirations to play Star Wars table top skirmish games with LEGO figures and started to collect figures…. Seems to cost about as much as WH40k!  
  • Star Wars Battlefront on the Xbox, which was a massive thief of time  
  • And now, the fantastic FFG X-Wing Miniatures game – plenty more bog entries coming around this one

Lord of the Rings:
I have been a fan of Lord of the Rings since being a kid.

Since the movies came out I have been a part-time collector of the Games Workshop figures and rule sets. I am old enough to have owned a few of their figures in the 80s, but now I only have the Peter Jackson era of figures. I also ‘inherited’ a large stash of figures that I will unbox and paint up at some point.

From a painting perspective, I enjoy paint 15mm figures and will post some pictures on here soon.